Meme Creators
Memes are the street art of the internet. Memes can reinforce, amplify, shape, and address social justice issues. They can also help folks connect, build narratives, and process the world around us. Memes are cultural artifacts — they might be an image, video, or piece of text copied (often with slight variations) that are spread by internet users. With this prompt we look for ways to create and use memes to connect to others during the pandemic.
- Think about this past year and reflect on your experience. The good, the bad and everything in between.
- Click here to open the google slides link and view the meme templates created for you.
- Look through the chosen templates provided then right click on your chosen slide and duplicate the slide so you have your own.
- Now come up with a caption or captions to go along with the picture and fill in the blanks.
- Make sure your slide is selected on the left hand side of the screen that displays all of the slides, then go file > download > jpeg image.
- Submit your meme using the submission form at the top of this page!